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We build websites that electrify brands

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Bolt is for brands that are ready to turn the switch and reach a new level. We build websites for the businesses with star power who are ready to electrify their audience.

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We drive traffic with
digital marketing

We drive traffic with
digital marketing

Brands That Get It

We're a web design agency with a specialty in DESIGN, and we're fed up with other web design "agencies" who aren't eating their own dog food.

We put our money where our mouth is by delivering great designs on efficient timelines. We measure twice and draw once so that you can finally cross "fix the website" off your to-do list. We will be the last web design agency you ever hire.

Testimonial: Enclave and Key

“The site looks unreal thanks to BOLT! A key piece of the foundation and I couldn't be happier with it - THANK YOU.”

✅ 174% More Inbound Leads YoY

✅ Complete Luxury Rebrand

✅ Massive Increase in Avg. Client Size

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Blake Wynn
Chief Executive Officer, Enclave and Key

Testimonial: The BenchSpace

“Bolt has been very helpful to our small business. Jake is digital marketing expert and after a few discussions he completely understood our needs and developed a tailored, specific marketing campaign. Jake communicates in an easy and straightforward manner and really makes the whole process simple and efficient.”

✅ Page One in 4 Months

✅ 103x ROA on Google Search Ads

✅ First Wait List in 5 Years of Business

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Edward Feldman
Founder, The BenchSpace

Let's Chat!


Scribble down your ideas and we'll get back to you within one business day to set up a risk-free digital consultation

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